January 2, 2014

PartOfWhyIWorkI had a very nice walk this morning with Sasha. It was cold and clear, but, thankfully, not very windy.

The ride to work was fine, with no slowdowns.

There is, as usual, plenty to do at work, but things are humming along at a good pace. I have a small collection of items on my desk at work that help keep me aware that I’m Loved, and that, above and beyond the satisfaction of a job well done and the pay, I have more good reasons to work. Cathy gave me the plant when I first got this job. Sadly, I’ve let everything die except the pothos, which is still thriving. Two different items Cathy made for me, a collage and calendar, along with a Valentine’s Day card also remind me that she thinks I’m special. Two books she bought for me, a journal with keyboard keys on the cover and the ‘Now Panic…’ book remind me how well she knows her Geeky husband. I smile whenever I glance over to the right of my screens, and I feel better, regardless what else may be going on.

We had a wonderful evening; Cathy cooked a wonderful Salmon main dish to go with rice and broccoli. It was absolutely delicious. I made brownies, put the frosting on while they were hot, and now they are in the refrigerator, cooling. They are the best this way. We had some tonight, and they did not disappoint in the least.

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