February 28, 2014

No walk for me or Sasha this morning, due to a forecast of Doggy Day Care at Camp K9!

I thought I’d try River Road this morning instead of the freeway, and, while it was less congested, I obviously did not concentrate hard enough on green lights!

Work was good, if a bit stressful, today.

The ride home was good, and dinner leftovers very scrumptious.


February 23, 2014

Today was quite a day, indeed!

We went up to Phoenix to participate in the Rally Novice A event at the Trial, and Sasha got a qualifying score of 79, which gave her the 3rd leg and the Title Rally Novice A!

We got to spend time with Ronnie and Maddie, as well as Steve and Kevilee.


February 21, 2014

Sasha and I had a slightly longer walk this morning, without incident. I’d like us to get to 2 miles every morning, and it seems like it’s only a few more minutes. http://www.endomondo.com

The ride to work was pretty good; still light due to Rodeo days.

I’m looking forward to a haircut this afternoon, then starting the weekend. Tomorrow I will be helping Cathy with a class at SALSA and, in the afternoon, we are taking Sasha for a nail clip and a teeth brushing.